War of the Soulless: Necron/Ork Freebooters VS The Blood Harvest
2000 points The Crusade
Sector Artanis SecurityReport: Lord General Valerian Decrosse, of the Gertola 48th Regiment
The loss of the Ultramarine Strike force was a hard blow to bear for the imperium, but it was fortunate that the incident did not shift the attention of Warlord Bludskar towards the Imperium. Ork systems under his control including the Artanis sector had come under attack from both Necron and Dark Eldar forces, and he was hardly in a position to invade. While combating the foul eldar on Baltia he sent one of his top lieutenants, Kaptin Nugbitz and his freebooters to deal with the Necron incursion on the former Eldar Maiden world of My'nesor. The orks were soon to discover that the Necron invaders were not some minor invading dynasty, but led by the infamous Anrykar the Traveller himself. The two forces waged war, and though both sides suffered heavily for it, the necrons slowly began to gain ground.
At this time my army was close to this world, having finished the Batolian 3 campaign. I requested that my forces be sent here next. With both sides weakened it would be mere childsplay to put these raiders to an end. Segmentum Command denied my request, a tactical decision I felt was a grave mistake to make. Later on I admit with no small amount of shame, I was glad my forces were not sent there.
Something or things were locked away upon that Xenos world, something that hungered and slavered at the opportunity to claw through the bounds of reality and devour all within. We do not know how they broke lose into reality but we do know that when they did, they began to pick the planet clean. Those few humans left on this former imperial world, were quickly cut down, while the xenos who first initially encountered them were slaughtered to the man. My men would have proven ill equipped to deal with such horror, and would likely have led many of them to madness. Perhaps worse however was the after effect of this invasion. The Xenos have actually put aside their dispute, and banded together to face the horror approaching them. Regardless of who wins here, Segmentum Command must send its armies, and quickly.
-- Lord General Decrosse Missive to Segmentum Command
On the fourth of August I brought my necrons to Quarterstaff in Burlington, Vt. I decided to try out my new Necron army, albeit with some orky bikers for a little speed. I've played Necrons once or twice before, but this was the first time as my main army list. Across from me I played Brandon and his Daemons of Khorne list. I don't have much experience with Daemons, and for my opponent this was only his second game with them. However the game went this would be a learning experience for us both. Due to this I didn't take as many pictures as I did in my last game. We played 200 points with The Crusade mission and a Dawn of war deployment. Here were the lists we took. Also listed in parenthesis are the gifts each Daemon got.
Chaos Daemons
- Skarbrand (Flamethrower, not sure what)
- Skulltaker
- Herald of Khorne (Don't remember, but ended up not mattering)
- Herald of Khorne on A Blood Throne Chariot (sword that gives +1 strength, AP 2)
- Herald of Khorne on a Bloodcrusher( Same as above)
- 3 squads of 14 Bloodletters
- 1 Soulgrinder with Mark of Khorne
- 1 power armored winged Daemon Prince of Khorne (Same blade as the Bloodcrushers)
- 1 power armored Daemon Prince of Khorne (Portaglyph)
- Anrykar the Traveler with a Catacomb Command Barge. Royal court was 1 Necron lord with Resurrection Orb, Warscythe and Sempermental Weave
- 2x10 Necron Warriors in a Ghost Ark
- 10 Necron warriors on foot
- 10 Phyrrean Immortals on foot
- 5 wraiths, no upgrades
- 5 Deathmarks
- 2 Doom Scythes
- Warboss+Bike+Cybork+Bosspole+Klaw
- 6 Nob bikers+Painboy+Cybork+4 Bosspoles+Waaagh Banner
For Anrykar I got the acute senses trait, which was basically worthless for me. I believe Skarbrands warlord trait was Death Incarnate, giving his attacks Instant Death. Skarbrand also as a passive abilities gives all units within 12 inches of him, friendly or foe, rage and hatred.
We roll the D3 and end up with a four, getting two objectives. I place my one objective in my lower left table side behind an eldar tower and place the other one in the centerpiece eldar ruin. In response he places one of his in the middle of his deployment zone and the other in his left corner.
Rolling off he wins deployment side while I won deployment. The picture of my deployment below was unfortunately taken after I moved Anrykar up twelve and the wraiths up 6, but otherwise the deployment is the same, all lined up in the middle. I had the deathmarks and both ghost arks in reserve.
Warp scum detected, prepare firing line.
Meanwhile the demons deploy in a straight line, with the Soulgrinder and the leaderless Bloodletter unit in his left hand corner. The Blood throne and the Bloodcrushers line up in the middle and Skarbrand sits on the middle left side. The Bloodcrusher Herald joins the Bloodcrusher unit. His Daemon princes, The Skulltaker bloodletter unit and the foot Herald Bloodletter unit are left in reserve. We roll for night fighting and it is nightfighting. Daemons attempt to seize the initiative but fail to do so.
Kill, Maim, Destroy
This is going to be a game of advantages. I definitely have the advantage in terms of fire power, while his army is a close combat machine. The question is which will be more effective in the long run. For me to win I feel I'll have to rely on my units mobility while he will need to get his reserves in safely and at the right time.
Pregame Fluff
"Hmmph, never thought I'd be fighting wid you metal boyz. Let alone against dem red boyz over dere." Nugbitz said sitting back in his bike as he watched the approaching blood horde.
"Believe me, the irony does not escape me." Anrykar said with lips unmoving, warscythe hanging from his hand. "But it seems the scions of the warp have other priorities. They would drown this world in blood, and that does not suit my goals. Not now at least. For this battle we are allies."
"And after da battle, whut den? You'ze gonna try being sneaky and backstaby?" Nugbitz growled, his Power Klaw snapping with a reflexive jerk.
Anrkykar sighed, or sighed as much as an undead robot was capable. "Not if it you do not force the issue, unlike some of my kin I will respect the codes of honorable battle. But listen well, I will not leave this field until I have acquired what I came for."
"Which is?" Nugbitz asked, a curious and bit greedy gleam in his eye. Anrykar jerked his head away, the screaming of the demons piercing the air. "Perhaps if we survive I will tell you. For now, let us dispose of this Warp scum." With a wave of his hand the chariot bolted forward, heading towards the enemy lines. The armies of undeath, silent and unmoving, suddenly jerked to life and marched as if pulled on silent strings.
"Right, ok boyz, hold on just a little bit. Den well show deze daemon boyz dere own blood." His nobs didn't respond vocally, but instead revved their engines, the noise drowning out the cries of blood.
Millenia spent traveling the void had not rendered Skarbrand aloof, nor had it dulled his blades. He could not remember his time before his fall from grace, when he had soared above the legions of khorne as his most favored. All he knew now was pain and rage, and the desire to give it to all. His most recent battles in the warp were fresh in his mind, but soon they would blur into obscurity as all the others had. It mattered not, memories did not cause the blood to flow, feelings of remorse or regret did not increase the skulls on his belt. And from that slaughter both his former master and himself would feast.
In the warp power, even disgraced power drew others. Exiles, slavering beasts and smaller champions of Khorne marched to war. Weaklings, one and all. They would draw the blood and claim the skulls planning to offer them, only for him to claim them. Such was his inviolate right.
Only one would be a challenge, only the champions of the pit would seek to rob him of his prize. Only he would dare to bring the skulls to the lord of war. It mattered not, they would clash, one would win and the other would die. Permanently, unlikely, but such was the way of Daemonhood.
Drawing his axes, he raised himself up as high as he could, and in defiance of fate, roared. "BLOOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!"
Turn 1 Necrons/Orks
Anrykar moves up twelve inches behind the hill, while the ghost arks shifted six inches to the left to give them a cover save. Other then that the necron warriors move six inches towards the left side objective while the wraiths move up six. I was worried about Skarbrand charging me, not realizing he wasn't a flying monstrous creature. This was a bad tactical error.
Anrykar tries to shoot the Soulgrinder with his Tachyon arrow, but misses. Due to my fear of moving forward all my other units can't shoot.
No assault this turn.
Turn 1 Daemons
Soulgrinder shuffles to the left while the Bloodletters near him move up 6. The Skarbrand Moves 6 inches up and so does the Bloodthrone. Bloodcrushers move 12 inches towards Anrykar.
Soulgrinder tries to shoot down the chariot but is only able to glance off a hullpoint. Skarbrand runs 1 inch while the Bloodletters run three inches. On the winds of chaos rolls he rolls a double 6 and Nurgle sends 8 Plaguebearers to join the slaughter. They then run 3 inches towards the ruin objective.
Pus and Bile, Boils that Vile.
The Bloodcrushers rush forward and smash both Anrykar and the chariot into a wrecked mess. They then consolidate for inches forward, claiming first blood. Anrykar tries to recover, but finds himself held down by the twisting energies of the warp. Slay the Warlord achieved.
"Foul energies, release me!!"
Turn 1Thoughts
This turn was a bust for me, due to my lack of Skarbrand I cost myself one round of shooting and lost my Warlord and first blood in one round. My opponent in turn gained another scoring unit. My troops need to move up and cause some damage, before its to late.
Turn 2 Necrons/Orks
I roll for reserves and get 1 Doom Scythe in, flying it in front of the Bloodletters and the Soulgrinder. Necron warriors move towards the objective while the rest of the forces move over to deal with the Bloodcrushers.
"Alright boyz, it's time for fighting!!!" Nugbitz yells as his boyz gun forward, engines revving.
Doom Scythe preforms terribly, only managing to kill one Bloodletter and failing to hurt the Soulgrinder. Shooting from the rest of the army is better, The Nobs, Immortals and Ghost arks shooting down the Bloodcrushers. The lone Ghost warriors take shots through the main ruin at the Plaguebearers, and manage to kill off three of them. They pass their instability test.
"Now you see em, NOW DEYZ DED!!!" Laughing the orks looked for their next target.
No assaults to be made.
Turn 2 Daemons
Both Daemon princes come in and fly out towards the foot slogging warriors 24 inches, while the skulltaker unit attempts to deepstrike but scatters and mishaps, the energies of the warp pulling them back for now. Skarbrand and the Blood throne move up 6 and 12 inches towards the Immortals, howling for blood.
Brother, we walk for Khorne once more!!!
Soulgrinder shoots at the Doomscythe but only gets one glance on it. Daemon princes run 6 and 2 inches He forgets to roll for winds of chaos this turn.
He attempts to double assault the immortals first with the Blood throne then with Skarbrand, but fails having needed a 9 and 10 respectively. Overwatch fails to hurt Skarbrand.
Turn 2 Thoughts.
Definitely an improvement over the last turn. He's lost one of his mobil units and half of his troops are still in reserve. I don't know what his plans are with his daemon princes but I need to deal with them, as I think they're the most dangerous units in his army. The Doomscythe failed to preform as I hoped but I might be able to make it up next turn. Best of all, Skarbrand is out in the open and close to jump range for the wraiths.
Turn 3 Necrons/Orks
Both the Doomscythe and the Deathmarks come in, the Doomscythe flying over to the Daemon Princes, while the Deathmarks deepstrike behind Skarbrand, getting a direct hit. The other Doomscythe Zooms away from the Soulgrinder and heads off towards the Daemon Princes. The walking Ghost Squad also moves towards the Daemon prince with the ap2 sword, getting into rapid fire range and sitting on the objective. Everything else circles the Blood Throne and Skarbrand, guns primed.
Deathmarks do amazing, causing 8 wounds on Skarbrand and making him fail 2. Combined shots from the nobs and immortals manage to ping off another wound, putting him down to 2. The Ghost Arks then open up with their passengers, but only take 2 hull points off the chariot. Meanwhile on the other side of the board the two Doomscythes cause a combined 2 wounds on a prince and bring him down. The rapid fire of the Necron Warriors inflict enough wounds for the grounded daemon to fail, his screams of rage passing back into the warp.
"Fear not Brother, I will feast on their bones for this!!!"
Wraiths charge into Skarbrand, unheeding of the roar he bellowed at them. With his swings he hits and wounds with all 7 attacks, but the wraiths shift out of existence, only 1 dying a second to slow. The wraiths then slice into Skarbrand, dealing 4 regular wounds and 3 rending wounds. Skarbrands armor holds up to the regular attack, but fails to the rending, the warp swallowing his rage in his defeat. Wraiths consolidate 4 inches.
Machines cannot understand victory, only move as ordered.
Turn 3 Daemons
The normal Bloodletters attempt to enter the battlefield, but in their haste forget to praise Khorne. The angry god rends the portal shut, destroying them beyond even the reaches of the warp. Skulltaker waits patiently. The Bloodletters move back towards the Soulgrinder grabbing the objective while the Daemon prince flies over the Doomscythe, dropping right near the main Necron force. He drops the Portaglyph on the other side of the ruins, attempting to call the Daemons of Khorne forth. So far none emerge to serve. Meanwhile the 5 plaguebearers and the bloodthrone move over to deal with the impetuous Deathmarks that harmed the mighty Skarbrand.
"Come Forth, Wretches of the Warp, to War."
The Soulgrinder opens up on the Nob Biker squad, but due to cover and feel no pain only manages to kill one and wound another. Daemon Prince runs 6 inches closer to the army.
The bloodthrone and Plaguebearers move in and obliterate the Deathmarks, though two of the plaguebearers do go down due to overwatch. Plaguebearers Consolidate onto their objective.
Turn 3 Thoughts
This turn has definitely been in my favor, killing off a daemon prince and Skarbrand, with a group of bloodletters lost to the warp to boot. He in turn took my Deathmarks and a wraith, but it was more than a fair trade. I don't think him moving the daemon prince that close to my army was a smart move, but as we'll see I underestimated his resilience.
Turn 4 Necrons Orks
All my forces but the wraiths pile around the demon prince. Wraiths head over towards the Soulgrinder, hoping to charge it. The damaged Doomscythe flies into reserves while the other heads towards the Blood Throne.
The doomscythe blows up the Blood throne and takes a Hull point off the Soulgrinder. The explosion manages to wound 1 Wraith. Every other unit in my army shoots at the Daemon prince, Only managing to ground and wound him once with a side gauss array of an ark.
Wraiths attempt to assault in but fail, missing a six inch charge by an inch. The warboss and his unit assault into the Daemon Prince, who promptly carves the wounded nob and another into paste. The remaining two normal nobs and the painboy inflict one wound, while the warboss due to poor planning on my part fails to get into combat. I make my leader ship of seven and they stay locked in.
"I Want dat ones Head on my Bike." Nugbitz yelled in anger.
Turn 4 Daemons
Skulltaker and his unit deepstrike in behind the lone necron warriors pillar, just barely avoiding a mishap. The other Bloodletter unit move over to assault the Wraiths.
Soulgrinder fires on the nearest ghost ark, managing to take two points off it and immobilize it.
Bloodletters charge in and smash the wraiths apart, causing 16 wounds of which I fail 9. They consolidate back towards the soulgrinder objective. The daemon prince manages to kill another Nob and wounds the warboss, but is finally brought down when the warboss inflicts 3 power klaw wounds, of which he fails 2. Orks reconsolidate 3 inches.
"Zog it, he disappeared. Now who's head will I mount on me bike?"
Turn 4 Thoughts
Killing a Daemon Prince always feels good, but losing my wraiths was an unfortunate circumstance. As it stands he holds two objectives, and contests my one. Turn five will be about consolidating control of the objectives while trying to push him off his. If we tie on objectives he will win the game due to gaining first blood.
Turn 5 Necrons/Orks
The immortals move over the ruin objective, grabbing it and preparing to give fire support to the foot slogging ghost unit, while the warboss and his unit drop right in fron of the plaguebearers, contesting the objective. Meanwhile the Doomscythes and remaining ghost ark move up towards the Soulgrinder and Bloodletters.
Shooting from the Warbosses unit finish off the Plaguebearers, while the shooting in the Soulgrinders corner kills the vehicle and 12 of the Bloodletters, leaving 1 to hold the objective. Meanwhile skulltaker loses 9 bloodletters from the combined fire from the immortals and warriors.
No assaults are made.
Turn 5 Daemons
Skulltaker and his bloodletters move towards the necron warriors.
No Shooting to be had
Skulltaker and his unit charge in, losing 2 bloodletters to overwatch. In combat Skulltaker gets 4 hits, but then rolls triple 1's, only losing one warrior. The other Bloodletters kill two more warriors, but are then killed in return. Warriors pass their leadership and then get all three warriors back.
"Weakling offspring, you should have been born to Slaaneedh!!!"
Turn 5 Thoughts
At this point the game is secured. I control 2 objectives while he holds one, and even that is tenuous at best. We roll to see if the game continues and it does.
Turn 6 Necrons/Orks
Ghost ark moves up while the warriors in the immobilized one hops out and move toward the objective. Warboss unit shifts to do a little more shooting while the immortal squad moves up into the ruin.
"We have secured the librarium"
The shots from the warriors kill off the remaining Bloodletter.
Skulltaker kills one warrior, but then falls and dissipates from the numerous blows from the warriors. Daemons tabled.
"Warp Presence eliminated. Awaiting orders."
Victory to the Xenos Alliance!!!
Post Game Thoughts
This game was won for two reasons. First, the Xenos firepower was able to put out more shots and wounds then the other side could save. Second was luck, the reserves not coming in at the right time allowed me to concentrate my fire on priority targets, whereas if they had all come in at once I would have had to pick and choose my targets. The one thing on my side I should have done was keep Anrykar out of charge range, while if I was my opponent I probably would have had my daemon princes on the field from the get go. Khorne princes should get into close combat as soon as possible. Leaving them in reserves opens them up to too much fire power. It was a learning experience for both of us and I expect the next game will be much harder.
End Game Fluff
"My lord, we have won the day and your scarabs are repairing you. We will be ready to move soon." Anrykar nodded his head, then waved the Necron lord away as Nugbitz approached on foot, big grin across his ugly mug. "Guess ya bit off more den you could chew, ey metal boy?"
"Hilarious. "Your wit knows no bounds. You look like you had fun."
"Yeah, all dat time flying tru da warp gives da boyz and I plenty of practice. Your metal boyz weren't so bad demselves."
"They are the Necrontyr, of course they would preform to required levels. So, what now? Do we go back to fighting each other? Or will you leave willingly?"
Nugbitz put a hand on his chin, thick fingers rubbing his chin in contemplation. "Tempting, but I aint going back to me boss and telling him I tucked tail and run. Besides, you boyz are fun to fight wid." Anrykar frowned at this, the scarabs nearly finished the repairs. His hand began to inch towards the warscythe near him. "So, what then will you do?"
Nugbitz grinned at this, reaching a meaty hand towards the Lord. After a moment of silence Anrykar took it, the Warboss pulling him to his feet. "Metal boy, I gotz a proposition for ya..."
Segmentum Command Response:
"General Decrosse, by the order of Segmentum Command you are ordered to leave the Artanis system with all haste. Report to Segmentum Command Station Voltician in the Skado Subsector for futher orders. Under no circumstances are you to engage any forces be they Xenos or Warp manifested. This situation has been deemed priority level beta and has been passed over to the Ultramarines to handle. May the Emperor protect you and your men general.
See how the Xenos Alliance fairs in the next battle report. Thanks for reading and have a good one.
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