Sunday, August 4, 2013

Necrons/Orks Vs Chaos Daemons Narrative Batrep

War of the Soulless: Necron/Ork Freebooters VS The Blood Harvest


2000 points The Crusade


Sector Artanis SecurityReport: Lord General Valerian Decrosse, of the Gertola 48th Regiment
The loss of the Ultramarine Strike force was a hard blow to bear for the imperium, but it was fortunate that the incident did not shift the attention of Warlord Bludskar towards the Imperium. Ork systems under his control including the Artanis sector had come under attack from both Necron and Dark Eldar forces, and he was hardly in a position to invade. While combating the foul eldar on Baltia he sent one of his top lieutenants, Kaptin Nugbitz and his freebooters to deal with the Necron incursion on the former Eldar Maiden world of My'nesor. The orks were soon to discover that the Necron invaders were not some minor invading dynasty, but led by the infamous Anrykar the Traveller himself. The two forces waged war, and though both sides suffered heavily for it, the necrons slowly began to gain ground.

At this time my army was close to this world, having finished the Batolian 3 campaign. I requested that my forces be sent here next. With both sides weakened it would be mere childsplay to put these raiders to an end. Segmentum Command denied my request, a tactical decision I felt was a grave mistake to make. Later on I admit with no small amount of shame, I was glad my forces were not sent there.

Something or things were locked away upon that Xenos world, something that hungered and slavered at the opportunity to claw through the bounds of reality and devour all within. We do not know how they broke lose into reality but we do know that when they did, they began to pick the planet clean. Those few humans left on this former imperial world, were quickly cut down, while the xenos who first initially encountered them were slaughtered to the man. My men would have proven ill equipped to deal with such horror, and would likely have led many of them to madness. Perhaps worse however was the after effect of this invasion. The Xenos have actually put aside their dispute, and banded together to face the horror approaching them. Regardless of who wins here, Segmentum Command must send its armies, and quickly.

                                                                  -- Lord General Decrosse Missive to Segmentum Command

On the fourth of August I brought my necrons to Quarterstaff in Burlington, Vt. I decided to try out my new Necron army, albeit with some orky bikers for a little speed. I've played Necrons once or twice before, but this was the first time as my main army list. Across from me I played Brandon and his Daemons of Khorne list. I don't have much experience with Daemons, and for my opponent this was only his second game with them. However the game went this would be a learning experience for us both. Due to this I didn't take as many pictures as I did in my last game. We played 200 points with The Crusade mission and a Dawn of war deployment. Here were the lists we took. Also listed in parenthesis are the gifts each Daemon got.

Chaos Daemons
  • Skarbrand (Flamethrower, not sure what)
  • Skulltaker
  • Herald of Khorne (Don't remember, but ended up not mattering)
  • Herald of Khorne on A Blood Throne Chariot (sword that gives +1 strength, AP 2)
  • Herald of Khorne on a Bloodcrusher( Same as above)
  • 3 squads of 14 Bloodletters
  • 1 Soulgrinder with Mark of Khorne
  • 1 power armored winged Daemon Prince of Khorne (Same blade as the Bloodcrushers)
  • 1 power armored Daemon Prince of Khorne (Portaglyph)
Necrons/Ork Allies
  • Anrykar the Traveler with a Catacomb Command Barge. Royal court was 1 Necron lord with Resurrection Orb, Warscythe and Sempermental Weave
  • 2x10 Necron Warriors in a Ghost Ark
  • 10 Necron warriors on foot
  • 10 Phyrrean Immortals on foot
  • 5 wraiths, no upgrades
  • 5 Deathmarks
  • 2 Doom Scythes
  • Warboss+Bike+Cybork+Bosspole+Klaw
  • 6 Nob bikers+Painboy+Cybork+4 Bosspoles+Waaagh Banner
Warlord Traits
For Anrykar I got the acute senses trait, which was basically worthless for me. I believe Skarbrands warlord trait was Death Incarnate, giving his attacks Instant Death. Skarbrand also as a passive abilities gives all units within 12 inches of him, friendly or foe, rage and hatred.

We roll the D3 and end up with a four, getting two objectives. I place my one objective in my lower left table side behind an eldar tower and place the other one in the centerpiece eldar ruin. In response he places one of his in the middle of his deployment zone and the other in his left corner.

Rolling off he wins deployment side while I won deployment. The picture of my deployment below was unfortunately taken after I moved Anrykar up twelve and the wraiths up 6, but otherwise the deployment is the same, all lined up in the middle. I had the deathmarks and both ghost arks in reserve.

Warp scum detected, prepare firing line.

Meanwhile the demons deploy in a straight line, with the Soulgrinder and the leaderless Bloodletter unit in his left hand corner. The Blood throne and the Bloodcrushers line up in the middle and Skarbrand sits on the middle left side. The Bloodcrusher Herald joins the Bloodcrusher unit. His Daemon princes, The Skulltaker bloodletter unit and the foot Herald Bloodletter unit are left in reserve. We roll for night fighting and it is nightfighting. Daemons attempt to seize the initiative but fail to do so.
Kill, Maim, Destroy
Pregame Thoughts
This is going to be a game of advantages. I definitely have the advantage in terms of fire power, while his army is a close combat machine. The question is which will be more effective in the long run. For me to win I feel I'll have to rely on my units mobility while he will need to get his reserves in safely and at the right time.

Pregame Fluff
"Hmmph, never thought I'd be fighting wid you metal boyz. Let alone against dem red boyz over dere." Nugbitz said sitting back in his bike as he watched the approaching blood horde.

"Believe me, the irony does not escape me." Anrykar said with lips unmoving, warscythe hanging from his hand. "But it seems the scions of the warp have other priorities. They would drown this world in blood, and that does not suit my goals. Not now at least. For this battle we are allies."

"And after da battle, whut den? You'ze gonna try being sneaky and backstaby?" Nugbitz growled, his Power Klaw snapping with a reflexive jerk.

Anrkykar sighed, or sighed as much as an undead robot was capable. "Not if it you do not force the issue, unlike some of my kin I will respect the codes of honorable battle. But listen well, I will not leave this field until I have acquired what I came for."

"Which is?" Nugbitz asked, a curious and bit greedy gleam in his eye. Anrykar jerked his head away, the screaming of the demons piercing the air. "Perhaps if we survive I will tell you. For now, let us dispose of  this Warp scum." With a wave of his hand the chariot bolted forward, heading towards the enemy lines. The armies of undeath, silent and unmoving, suddenly jerked to life and marched as if pulled on silent strings.

"Right, ok boyz, hold on just a little bit. Den well show deze daemon boyz dere own blood." His nobs didn't respond vocally, but instead revved their engines, the noise drowning out the cries of blood.
Millenia spent traveling the void had not rendered Skarbrand aloof, nor had it dulled his blades. He could not remember his time before his fall from grace, when he had soared above the legions of khorne as his most favored. All he knew now was pain and rage, and the desire to give it to all. His most recent battles in the warp were fresh in his mind, but soon they would blur into obscurity as all the others had. It mattered not, memories did not cause the blood to flow, feelings of remorse or regret did not increase the skulls on his belt. And from that slaughter both his former master and himself would feast.

In the warp power, even disgraced power drew others. Exiles, slavering beasts and smaller champions of Khorne marched to war. Weaklings, one and all. They would draw the blood and claim the skulls planning to offer them, only for him to claim them. Such was his inviolate right.

Only one would be a challenge, only the champions of the pit would seek to rob him of his prize. Only he would dare to bring the skulls to the lord of war. It mattered not, they would clash, one would win and the other would die. Permanently, unlikely, but such was the way of Daemonhood.

Drawing his axes, he raised himself up as high as he could, and in defiance of fate, roared. "BLOOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!"

Turn 1 Necrons/Orks


Anrykar moves up twelve inches behind the hill, while the ghost arks shifted six inches to the left to give them a cover save. Other then that the necron warriors move six inches towards the left side objective while the wraiths move up six. I was worried about Skarbrand charging me, not realizing he wasn't a flying monstrous creature. This was a bad tactical error.


Anrykar tries to shoot the Soulgrinder with his Tachyon arrow, but misses. Due to my fear of moving forward all my other units can't shoot.


No assault this turn.

Turn 1 Daemons


Soulgrinder shuffles to the left while the Bloodletters near him move up 6. The Skarbrand Moves 6 inches up and so does the Bloodthrone. Bloodcrushers move 12 inches towards Anrykar.


Soulgrinder tries to shoot down the chariot but is only able to glance off a hullpoint. Skarbrand runs 1 inch while the Bloodletters run three inches. On the winds of chaos rolls he rolls a double 6 and Nurgle sends 8 Plaguebearers to join the slaughter. They then run 3 inches towards the ruin objective.
Pus and Bile, Boils that Vile.


The Bloodcrushers rush forward and smash both Anrykar and the chariot into a wrecked mess. They then consolidate for inches forward, claiming first blood. Anrykar tries to recover, but finds himself held down by the twisting energies of the warp. Slay the Warlord achieved.
"Foul energies, release me!!"

Turn 1Thoughts
This turn was a bust for me, due to my lack of Skarbrand I cost myself one round of shooting and lost my Warlord and first blood in one round. My opponent in turn gained another scoring unit. My troops need to move up and cause some damage, before its to late.
Turn 2 Necrons/Orks
I roll for reserves and get 1 Doom Scythe in, flying it in front of the Bloodletters and the Soulgrinder. Necron warriors move towards the objective while the rest of the forces move over to deal with the Bloodcrushers.
"Alright boyz, it's time for fighting!!!" Nugbitz yells as his boyz gun forward, engines revving.
Doom Scythe preforms terribly, only managing to kill one Bloodletter and failing to hurt the Soulgrinder. Shooting from the rest of the army is better, The Nobs, Immortals and Ghost arks shooting down the Bloodcrushers. The lone Ghost warriors take shots through the main ruin at the Plaguebearers, and manage to kill off three of them. They pass their instability test.
"Now you see em, NOW DEYZ DED!!!" Laughing the orks looked for their next target.
No assaults to be made.
Turn 2 Daemons

Both Daemon princes come in and fly out towards the foot slogging warriors 24 inches, while the skulltaker unit attempts to deepstrike but scatters and mishaps, the energies of the warp pulling them back for now. Skarbrand and the Blood throne move up 6 and 12 inches towards the Immortals, howling for blood.
Brother, we walk for Khorne once more!!!
Soulgrinder shoots at the Doomscythe but only gets one glance on it. Daemon princes run 6 and 2 inches He forgets to roll for winds of chaos this turn.
He attempts to double assault the immortals first with the Blood throne then with Skarbrand, but fails having needed a 9 and 10 respectively. Overwatch fails to hurt Skarbrand.
Turn 2 Thoughts.
Definitely an improvement over the last turn. He's lost one of his mobil units and half of his troops are still in reserve. I don't know what his plans are with his daemon princes but I need to deal with them, as I think they're the most dangerous units in his army. The Doomscythe failed to preform as I hoped but I might be able to make it up next turn. Best of all, Skarbrand is out in the open and close to jump range for the wraiths.
Turn 3 Necrons/Orks
Both the Doomscythe and the Deathmarks come in, the Doomscythe flying over to the Daemon Princes, while the Deathmarks deepstrike behind Skarbrand, getting a direct hit. The other Doomscythe Zooms away from the Soulgrinder and heads off towards the Daemon Princes. The walking Ghost Squad also moves towards the Daemon prince with the ap2 sword, getting into rapid fire range and sitting on the objective. Everything else circles the Blood Throne and Skarbrand, guns primed.
Deathmarks do amazing, causing 8 wounds on Skarbrand and making him fail 2. Combined shots from the nobs and immortals manage to ping off another wound, putting him down to 2. The Ghost Arks then open up with their passengers, but only take 2 hull points off the chariot. Meanwhile on the other side of the board the two Doomscythes cause a combined 2 wounds on a prince and bring him down. The rapid fire of the Necron Warriors inflict enough wounds for the grounded daemon to fail, his screams of rage passing back into the warp.
"Fear not Brother, I will feast on their bones for this!!!"
Wraiths charge into Skarbrand, unheeding of the roar he bellowed at them. With his swings he hits and wounds with all 7 attacks, but the wraiths shift out of existence, only 1 dying a second to slow. The wraiths then slice into Skarbrand, dealing 4 regular wounds and 3 rending wounds. Skarbrands armor holds up to the regular attack, but fails to the rending, the warp  swallowing his rage in his defeat. Wraiths consolidate 4 inches.
Machines cannot understand victory, only move as ordered.
Turn 3 Daemons
The normal Bloodletters attempt to enter the battlefield, but in their haste forget to praise Khorne. The angry god rends the portal shut, destroying them beyond even the reaches of the warp. Skulltaker waits patiently. The Bloodletters move back towards the Soulgrinder grabbing the objective while the Daemon prince flies over the Doomscythe, dropping right near the main Necron force. He drops the Portaglyph on the other side of the ruins, attempting to call the Daemons of Khorne forth. So far none emerge to serve. Meanwhile the 5 plaguebearers and the bloodthrone move over to deal with the impetuous Deathmarks that harmed the mighty Skarbrand.
"Come Forth, Wretches of the Warp, to War."
The Soulgrinder opens up on the Nob Biker squad, but due to cover and feel no pain only manages to kill one and wound another. Daemon Prince runs 6 inches closer to the army.
The bloodthrone and Plaguebearers move in and obliterate the Deathmarks, though two of the plaguebearers do go down due to overwatch. Plaguebearers Consolidate onto their objective.
Turn 3 Thoughts
This turn has definitely been in my favor, killing off a daemon prince and Skarbrand, with a group of bloodletters lost to the warp to boot. He in turn took my Deathmarks and a wraith, but it was more than a fair trade. I don't think him moving the daemon prince that close to my army was a smart move, but as we'll see I underestimated his resilience.
Turn 4 Necrons Orks
All my forces but the wraiths pile around the demon prince. Wraiths head over towards the Soulgrinder, hoping to charge it. The damaged Doomscythe flies into reserves while the other heads towards the Blood Throne.
The doomscythe blows up the Blood throne and takes a Hull point off the Soulgrinder. The explosion manages to wound 1 Wraith. Every other unit in my army shoots at the Daemon prince, Only managing to ground and wound him once with a side gauss array of an ark.
Wraiths attempt to assault in but fail, missing a six inch charge by an inch. The warboss and his unit assault into the Daemon Prince, who promptly carves the wounded nob and another into paste. The remaining two normal nobs and the painboy inflict one wound, while the warboss due to poor planning on my part fails to get into combat. I make my leader ship of seven and they stay locked in.
"I Want dat ones Head on my Bike." Nugbitz yelled in anger.
Turn 4 Daemons
Skulltaker and his unit deepstrike in behind the lone necron warriors pillar, just barely avoiding a mishap. The other Bloodletter unit move over to assault the Wraiths.
Soulgrinder fires on the nearest ghost ark, managing to take two points off it and immobilize it.
Bloodletters charge in and smash the wraiths apart, causing 16 wounds of which I fail 9. They consolidate back towards the soulgrinder objective. The daemon prince manages to kill another Nob and wounds the warboss, but is finally brought down when the warboss inflicts 3 power klaw wounds, of which he fails 2. Orks reconsolidate 3 inches.
"Zog it, he disappeared. Now who's head will I mount on me bike?"
Turn 4 Thoughts
Killing a Daemon Prince always feels good, but losing my wraiths was an unfortunate circumstance. As it stands he holds two objectives, and contests my one. Turn five will be about consolidating control of the objectives while trying to push him off his. If we tie on objectives he will win the game due to gaining first blood.
Turn 5 Necrons/Orks
The immortals move over the ruin objective, grabbing it and preparing to give fire support to the foot slogging ghost unit, while the warboss and his unit drop right in fron of the plaguebearers, contesting the objective. Meanwhile the Doomscythes and remaining ghost ark move up towards the Soulgrinder and Bloodletters.
Shooting from the Warbosses unit finish off the Plaguebearers, while the shooting in the Soulgrinders corner kills the vehicle and 12 of the Bloodletters, leaving 1 to hold the objective. Meanwhile skulltaker loses 9 bloodletters from  the combined fire from the immortals and warriors.
No assaults are made.
Turn 5 Daemons
Skulltaker and his bloodletters move towards the necron warriors.
No Shooting to be had
Skulltaker and his unit charge in, losing 2 bloodletters to overwatch. In combat Skulltaker gets 4 hits, but then rolls triple 1's, only losing one warrior. The other Bloodletters kill two more warriors, but are then killed in return. Warriors pass their leadership and then get all three warriors back.

"Weakling offspring,  you should have been born to Slaaneedh!!!"
Turn 5 Thoughts
At this point the game is secured. I control 2 objectives while he holds one, and even that is tenuous at best. We roll to see if the game continues and it does.
Turn 6 Necrons/Orks
Ghost ark moves up while the warriors in the immobilized one hops out and move toward the objective. Warboss unit shifts to do a little more shooting while the immortal squad moves up into the ruin.
"We have secured the librarium"
The shots from the warriors kill off the remaining Bloodletter.
Skulltaker kills one warrior, but then falls and dissipates from the numerous blows from the warriors. Daemons tabled.
"Warp Presence eliminated. Awaiting orders."

Victory to the Xenos Alliance!!!

Post Game Thoughts
This game was won for two reasons. First, the Xenos firepower was able to put out more shots and wounds then the other side could save. Second was luck, the reserves not coming in at the right time allowed me to concentrate my fire on priority targets, whereas if they had all come in at once I would have had to pick and choose my targets. The one thing on my side I should have done was keep Anrykar out of charge range, while if I was my opponent I probably would have had my daemon princes on the field from the get go. Khorne princes should get into close combat as soon as possible. Leaving them in reserves opens them up to too much fire power. It was a learning experience for both of us and I expect the next game will be much harder.
End Game Fluff
"My lord, we have won the day and your scarabs are repairing you. We will be ready to move soon." Anrykar nodded his head, then waved the Necron lord away as Nugbitz approached on foot, big grin across his ugly mug. "Guess ya bit off more den you could chew, ey metal boy?"
"Hilarious. "Your wit knows no bounds. You look like you had fun."
"Yeah, all dat time flying tru da warp gives da boyz and I plenty of practice. Your metal boyz weren't so bad demselves."
"They are the Necrontyr, of course they would preform to required levels. So, what now? Do we go back to fighting each other? Or will you leave willingly?"
Nugbitz put a hand on his chin, thick fingers rubbing his chin in contemplation. "Tempting, but I aint going back to me boss and telling him I tucked tail and run. Besides, you boyz are fun to fight wid." Anrykar frowned at this, the scarabs nearly finished the repairs. His hand began to inch towards the warscythe near him. "So, what then will you do?"
Nugbitz grinned at this, reaching a meaty hand towards the Lord. After a moment of silence Anrykar took it, the Warboss pulling him to his feet. "Metal boy, I gotz a proposition for ya..."

Segmentum Command Response:
"General Decrosse, by the order of Segmentum Command you are ordered to leave the Artanis system with all haste. Report to Segmentum Command Station Voltician in the Skado Subsector for futher orders. Under no circumstances are you to engage any forces be they Xenos or Warp manifested. This situation has been deemed priority level beta and has been passed over to the Ultramarines to handle. May the Emperor protect you and your men general.
See how the Xenos Alliance fairs in the next battle report. Thanks for reading and have a good one.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Orks Vs Space Marines Narrative Batrep

The Battle for Baltia IV: Freebooters Vs Ultramarines

2000 Point Scouring Game

Scenario Fluff

Ultrimar Segmentum, on the edge of sector Artanis lies the Ork world of Baltia IV, a former Imperial Navy world of the Imperium. For decades the ork Armada of Freebooter Warlord Bludskar has used this planet and its derelict space stations as a pirate haven to all manner of Xenos and Heretics in return for a percentage of the loot, be it teeth, weapons or even space ships. With these materials and the conscription of orks from both the planet and the other freebooters he has been launching his Waaagh!'s through the Imperium and the fringes of the Tau Empire for years. His bloody wars have cost Humanity millions in lives and has severely weakened several systems under Imperial control. The Imperium has decided that this threat must be ended, immediately.

Currently the Warlord and the majority of his armada have left the sector, choosing to invade the nearby Tau world of Fiora'o. A strike force of Ultramarines, the Emperors angels of death, have been assigned under Captain Sicarius to preform Exterminatus on the planet, destroying the Warlords base of operations as well cutting off his recruitment of Orks in the system. The remaing Ork Armada even depleted however is too strong to engage in a frontal engagement, so Sicarius has come up with a cunning strategy. Across the ork planet are a number of ork nuclear powerplants, each connected to the old imperial power grid beneath the planets crust. If Sicarius and his forces can enter the planet unnoticed they can sabotoge these operations, the surge in energy will cause the imperial generator to overload and exploded, triggering a chain reactions across the whole planet. After the Ultramarines have exited of course.

The plan is not without danger however. The power plants are crawling with the greenskin menace, Meks and low chieftans of Bludskar Waaagh!, each raring to prove themselves before the warlord and all orkydom. Even now as Sicarius and his astartes take to the field, the earth shakes and dust flies in the air at an approaching tribe. Dawn is coming, and preceding it will be blood...

Last Sunday at Quarterstaff Games in Burlington VT I played against Ben's Ultramarines with my Ork Speedkult list. it was during the Jazz festival weekend so we got to play 40k to the sound of saxophones, which was awesome. We played with 2000 points and got the Scouring Mission with the Hammer and Anvil deployment. Here were the Army Lists.

Space Marines
  • Captain Sicarius
  • Lvl 2 Librarian in Terminator armor with hood, Force Sword and Stormbolter. He got Prescience and smite for his psychic abilities.
  • Two Tactical Squads in Rhinos, each with missle launcher and banner
  • 11 man scout squad with Sergeant Tellius
  • 8 man Terminator squad, one has missile pack and the sergeant has a power Sword
  • 5 man Terminator Assault squad with Thunder Hammers and storm Shields
  • Landraider
  • 2 Vindicators with Plows (Sorry don't know what they're called.)
  • 2 Landspeeders 1 with Melta the other with a flamer
  • Warboss on a Bike, Cybork body, Bosspole, Power Klaw
  • Big Mek with Kustom Force Field, Cybork, Bosspole
  • Warphead
  • 10 Lootas
  • 5 Burna Boyz
  • 4 Nob Bikers, Cybork, Painboy
  • 3 Squads of 12 Slugga boyz with Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw. Each squad is in a trukk with redpaint and ram.
  • 25 man Shoota Boy Squad with Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw
  • Deff Dread with 4 Close Combat weapons, Grot Riggers and Armor
  • 20 Stormboyz, Nob, Bosspole, Power Klaw
  • Battlewagon+Killkannon+2 Big Shootas
  • Boomgun with Ram and 2 Big Shootas
Warlord Traits
For Sicarius he rolls the strategic trait that gives hi and his unit feel no pain when they are within three inches of an objective. My Warboss rolls on the strategic traits and get the reserve buff, worthless since I wont be keeping anything in reserve.

We roll off and he wins deployment. We deploy all objectives, three on my side and three on his. While we check this later he gets the high scoring ones on his side, putting the pressure on me. He deploys his forces in the upper right corner of the board, using the main ork building taking up the center to keep me from attacking him from all sides. He decides to set up his terminators in front to give his vindicators behind some cover. he puts the Librarian in the Terminator Squad and Sicarius and the Assault Terminators go inside the Landraider. He puts the Rhinos behind the two Vindicators and Puts the Scout Squad in the corner in the hill terrain to give them Cover. He leaves his Landspeeders in reserve, to try and deepstrike behind my lines.
Space Marines, For the Emperor!!!
Sorry I forgot to take a picture of the ork initial deployment, but in the next picture it'll be easier to see where I deployed. The Warboss and bikers go to the bottom of the Table, next to them is the large boy squad and the Warphead. Near them from bottom to top in a line is the Deff Dread, the Trukks and The Battle Wagon, holding the Big Mek and the burnas. Behind them I place the stormboyz, while finally at the top of the table I have the Lootas sitting on top of a building, with the Boomgun, nestled behind it. Best of all I have everything but my biker boyz in range of the kustom Force field, giving my whole army a cover save. Finally deployed I roll to seize the initiative and I do!!! We also roll for nightfighting and it is nightfighting for Turn one.

Pregame Thoughts
I am worried about this deployment. While I have over double in terms of wounds and models on the field i have seen Ben's Terminators weather 3 Charging Squads of boys only to lose on terminator. That land raider also serves as a big wall to my troops, large and hard to crack. I expected to give up first blood in turn one and have to hope his heavy support doesn't rip my trukks apart. I did however have the advantage of nightfighting on my side as well as a crap ton of boyz, so I felt it could go either way.

Pregame Fluff
"Captain Sicarius." The Landraider driver said through the auspex channel. "We have secured three of the power nodes. The Techmarine has begun uploading the Escalator virus to the plants Machine spirit. He will need the full day to fully implement it."

"Then we will ensure he has all the time he needs. Sergeant Tellius, report in. What is the situation?"

"We have enemy contact Captain, Ork Speedkult coming in, they must have been attracted by the earlier fighting. What are your orders commander?"

Sicarius was silent for a moment before drawing his blade from its sheath. "Simple Tellius, we go to war."
Across the plains the ork Horde stood, drooling in anticipation for the blood to come. At the front of the horde Warboss Gitkrusha sat in his bike, teeth in a toothy grin. Spitting out a loogie he looked at his Lieutenant in the battlewagon, whistling to get his attention. "Alright Scraphead, you takes da boyz dat way, I'll take deze boyz dis way, and we'll crush em all!!!"

The aformentioned Scraphead simply nodded his head, metallic jaw clamped shut. He made the mistake once of mouthing off to Gitkrusha during a scar poker game. The result of that little outburst had not been pleasant, and had taken  his voice with it. Pressing a button in his arm the forcefield activated, covering the troops and as one the horde moved forwards. Over the squeal of tires, footsteps and gears only one sound could be heard.


Turn 1 Orks.


The orks all move up to close the distance between the two armies. Boomgun touches that so it moves into the back of the building and does nothing. The trukks move flat out but remain in range of the KFF. I run the shoota boy squad and the deff dread up, as they have nothing to do. Run and flat out movements were done in the same turns in order to save time. The stormboyz run up behind the battlewagon in order prepare for their jump next turn. Finally the warboss and his unit Turbo boost to the side of the large building in a flanking maneuver.


Shooting is rather innefective this turn, out of twenty loota shots they only manage to ping one hullpoint off a vindicator and the Killkannnon manages to ping off one terminator. Otherwise all wounds or Hull points were promptly saved


No orks in range so it was time for the ultramarines to strike back.

Move foreward ya gitz, or you'll meet de end of me Choppa!!

Turn 1 Ultramarines

Landraider moves up and parks next to the building, serving as a mobile wall. One of the two rhinos follow it while the undamaged vindicator moves around the terminator wall in order to get a better shot at the orks. Then without further ado he begins shooting.

This turn for him was in the best possible description, terrible. Even with the Librarian giving the Terminators Prescience didn't help him. Targeting the trukks with everything but the Landraider they only manage to take a single hullpoint off of one trukk and two off of another, that one losing it's big shoota. The Landraider attempts to pop the battlewagon but only manages to strip 2 HP's off it, although he does immobilize it and destroys the Killkannon. One stormboy bites it from a vindicator blast.


No assaults to be made so we go into turn two.

Turn 1 Thoughts

This turn went really well for my army, usually by the end of this turn I would have lost at least one trukk and a handful of boyz to the shooting, but my army is basically intact. And unfortunately for him he made a tactical error in moving up the vindicator, as you'll soon see...

Turn 2 Orks


The trukks move up and dislodge their boyz across the field, the orkish horde hooting and hollering as the Terminators grimly stare them down. One way or another the dead pile will be getting larger this turn. Meanwhile the Stormboyz, getting a lousy two for their extra jump decide to head off behind the trukks and run up, hoping for a charge next turn. The deffdread and boyz move up behind the lower trukks but do not run, as the immmobilized battlewagon blocks them. Finally the Warboss splits from his group and heads towards the landraider, while the nobs eye up the Rhino.
Prepare yourselves brothers!!!

The Warboss grins as the Landraider comes into view...
The ork gunline locked and loaded.

With the lootas I debated between softening up the terminators or trying to ping off the damaged Vindicator, in the end i decided on the vindicator, as I didn't want to accidentally kill to many allowing them to run off and regroup to shoot down my boyz. Rolling three shots for each the torrent of fire manages to glance it to death. First blood to the orks, don't see that very often. Nobs firing at the rhino strip off a point and the boomgun does the same to the remaining vindicator. combined fire of large blasts, big shootas and sluggas from the rest of the army results in only one dead terminator. Still one is better than none. For once my Warphead decides to be worth his points and gets a waaagh for his random power, giving my boyz fleet for the charge.


Two Squads of boyz charge the terminators and though they lose two to overwatch they make it in just fine. His sergeant challenges one of my nobz and the boy accepts. The third boy squad actually goes around the large scrap and assaults the remaining vindicator, while the Warboss and bike squad assault their respective vehicles.

Ooooh, look at all da red...
The result of this is not pretty, the terminator squad losses three of it's power fist terminators as well as the challenge, with the sergeant whiffing terribly and dying to a power klaw. In return the librarian and the other two terminators are able to kill two boyz, resulting in a loss by 2. They make their leadership and stay in. The Vindicator is summarily flipped, with the power klaw never getting the chance to strike. The Warboss does terribly, only managing to take a hull point off the Landraider though the bikers end up exploding the rhino, killing two marines and wounding a nob. The marines autofall back where they will rally next turn.

Turn 2 Ultramarines


Landraider pivots around and Sicarius and his unit head towards the nob biker squad. Tactical marines rally and prepare to fire while the other tactical squad gats out of its rhino. One landspeeder deepstrikes behind my battlewagon hoping to make it go boom. Other one stays in reserve.
Assault Terminators, to glory!!!

They're distracted brothers, aim for their flank.
Unfortunately it is a repeat of last turn, combined shooting from the scouts, tactical marines and sicarius only manage to kill off the wounded nob. Meaanwhile the landspeeder firees but misses it's shot. Landraider manages to ping off another hullpoint from the battlewagon.

Sicarius and his unit move in, losing a terminator to overwatch and assaulting the nobs with ease. The nobs manage to kill two of the assault terminators in close combat, but then lose a nob in combat. Nobs fail there morale and fall back, but cant be overrun. Terminators reconsolidate five inches In the other combat the boys manage to finish off the terminator squad and the librarian fails to kill anyone, takes a wound in combat and is forced  to flee. boyz consolidate 2 and 5 inches respectively.

Turn 2 Thoughts
Things are not looking good for the Ultramarines right now. The terminators have been all but removed from the field and much of the firepower of the army has been neutralized. Neutering the nob squad was a nice bit of work but at this point it may be to little, to late. We'll soon see.

Turn 3 Orks
Nob squad rallies, though they are out of sight to actually see anything so what they'll be able to do is limited. One squad of boyz heads towards the fleeing librarian while the other two head towards the upper tactical squad and remaining rhino. Warboss skims around Sicarius unit preparing to assault the upper tactical squad as well. Trukks move out of the way so that the stomboyz and Deffdread can assault the landraider, meanwhile the large mob of ork boyz move over to take on the landspeeder.

Shooting for this turn is hit and miss. Lootas only get 1 shot each and fail to do anything to Sicarius's unit while the warboss killed 1 tactical marine. I also declare my normal Waaagh to give my boyz fleet for the charge.

Warboss assaults into the tactical marines and is challenged by the sergeant, esily krumping him in close combat. The marines make their leadership and hold. Boyz  assault the remaining rihno and glance it to death. Deffdread and stormboyz assault the landraider, but only manage to glance it three times. They do however manage to immobilize it.

Turn 3 Ultramarines
Sicarius and the terminators move up towards the warboss while the Tactical marine squad shimmys around a bit. Remaining rhino moves over to protect the tactical marine squad in combat from the coming ork boyz. He unfortunately forgot to move his librarian this turn or use his psychic powers. Again he fails to get in his last remaining speeder.
The Warboss laughs holding up the Sergeants head, unaware of the doom approaching him...
The librarian and tactical squad unload into the closest unit of boyz, leaving only three boyz left. They do pass their leadership though. Landraider then attempts to blow up the deff dread but even with both the lascannon and Melta it only manages to remove two hull points.

Terminators easily make it into assault with the warboss and smash him to bits. Sicarius is actually the one who kills him, not even getting a chance to lift his power klaw. 1 point for Slay the warlord. Terminator squad reconsolidates two inches while the tacticals roll a 1.
"Oh Zog it..." The Warboss grunted before his head was removed from his shoulders, Sicarius flicking the blood off his blade.
Turn 3 Thoughts
Losing my Warboss and most of a squad of boys is always hard to watch, but has hardly slowed down my boyz. I've still got two squads of boy that are fairly healthy and an almost full unit of stormboyz moving in. The ork leader is dead but the horde continues marching on....

Turn 4 Orks
Angered by the loss of their leader the Nobs urged their boys forward, each one wanting to claim his head (and consequently take control of the warband.) Not to be out done the Stormboyz leap forward a staggering 18 inches, surrounding the forces of the Imperium. Nob bikers Move out of the ruins and line up their guns with the lower tactical squad.

The lootas roll a 3 and fire straight into the sniper squad, wiping them off the board with 15 wounds caused. The upper boy squad and the stormboyz pepper the Terminators, but fail to kill any. The lower boy squad fires into the librarian, finishing him off on a bad double 1 role. Shooting from the nob bikers kills one Tactical marine.

The boyz and the stormboyz smashin into the terminator squad, with Sicarius and the stormboy nob moving aside to duke it out. Sicarius swings and even though he hits three times he only manages to caus one wound. Then the Stormboy replies with 4 power klaw hits, 3 wounds and Sicarius failing his 4+ invulnerable save. Before he can die though the strike cruiser up above teleports him out of combat and rushes him to the sick bay. The rest of the combat is rather dismal for the marines, losing two terminators and only managing to kill back to nobs in return. The lone Sergeant fails his leadership and manages to run off, while the boyz reconsolidate 1 inch each. The Deff dread assaults the Landraider and finishes it off, though he only wrecks it.
Out of Da Way gitz, I get da shiniest bitz!!!
Turn 4 Ultramrines
Lone Sergeant Reconsolidates and moves up three inches. Tactical squad moves back a bit though the missile launcher stays in place so he can fire. The flame speeder finally comes in and direct hits next to the stormboy squad.
Things are about to get toasty.
Combined shooting from the speeder and squad manage to kill of fourteen stormboyz, though the nob manages to rally three of his boyz and stay in by crushing a fourth ones head with his bosspole. Otherwise that was all

No Assaults are made.

Turn 4 Thoughts
At this point we both know the game is over. The orks still have substantial troops and shooting left while the Ultramarines are down to one speeder and six TAC marines. I offer to end the game then but Ben wants to play this out to the bitter end, so we go on to Turn 5.

Turn 5 Orks
The remnants of the stormboyz and the two ork upper ork squads move up to finish off the remaining terminator. Nob bikers go around and plan to engage the Tac squad while the 3 man boy squad moves in on the Landspeeder. The deff Dread moves up but is unlikely to be in assault range of anything.

Shooting and Assault Phase
The ork guns open up and wipe everything but the landspeeder off the field, which then get hacked down by the three boyz in the assault. Ultramarines are tabled.
Alright boyz, good fight. TIME FOR LOOTING!!!

 Victory to WAAAGH! BLUDSKAR!!!

Post Game Thoughts
This game is a good example of how good the deceptive ork shooting can be. Armor 2 while great has a hard time standing up to massive shooting, and the orks can put out an insane amount of shots in combat. Add that with all the attacks in close combat and they're quite deadly. Ben admitted moving up his forces turn one was a bit of mistake but it has worked for him in the past. That and the cover saves from night fighting and the KFF neutralized  his shooting allowing the trukks to deposit their boyz safely. In any case it was a fun game and I expect Ben will beat me sometime in the near future.

End Game Fluff
"Report of the Fallout of the Baltia IV, Faithfully written by Inquisitor Adrastia of the Ordos Malleus
The events of the failed attempt to destroy Baltia IV. Though the Virus was successfuly uploaded the survivng Big Mek now known as Rustbootz was able to disable it, apparently by hitting it with his choppa. While Sicarius recovered in the Apothecarium his surviving troops attempted to think of a new way to complete the mission, but the return of the Ork Armada from the succesful Fiora'o campaign forced them to retreat. The second company has lost over thirty brothers and will be short handed for sometime. Worse yet, it appears that none of the equipment lost was recoverable, the orks even now defiling them under the new lieutenant of Waaagh! Bludskar, Big Mek Rustbootz . Ork defences have been increased on the surface, and it is recommended that more resources be pooled together before another attempt at removing the pirate presence is attempted.

The ultramarines loss however may be an opportunity however. A situation has popped up in the nearby sector of Micaldor, one requiring methods laying outside the regular methods of Imperium forces and attention. Waaagh! Bludskar may perhaps be the answer.....

Thank you all for reading and see you at the next update.